The famous financier, Bernard Baruch,  many times made the statement , "Two and two, still and always will, equal four".

This, some would say, quaint concept, has fallen out of favor, more and more, in recent years, as clearly the restrictiveness of basic arithmetic is not something that should continue to bind us in today's brave new world.

As an unrepentant checklist fanatic and junkie, I recently found me picking myself up off the floor in an airport newsstand (not a bookstore, it was there too, but a newsstand).

There with all the romance novels, the Dan Brown books, and the latest silver bullet management books, was The Checklist Manifesto by Dr Atul Gawande.

A best selling book about checklists. Checklists!

Can you believe it? The world wants to read about checklists?

As Sisyphus well knew (knows?) pushing things up mountains is difficult, and the uphill struggle from the Reactive to the Proactive Maintenance World is often a frustrating three steps forward, two steps back, process.

A major reason so many slide back into the familiar, ugly, day to day, survival morass at the bottom.

One of those steps on the way up, is where PM inspections are getting done, and we're finding things that need to be fixed, and we're fixing them. But we're still just not getting that much better. We're constantly fixing the same things over and over.

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